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Degenerated CE Stage with Base Resistance

페이지 정보

작성자 양희원 댓글 2건 조회 1,158회 작성일 20-04-22 12:03


In today's lecture, we learned that voltage gain A_v(=Vout/Vin) is same as the above the first image.
Then, when we have base resistance R_B, how can "Vout/V_A" be derived as the following lecture note p.51, using Vout/Vin above?


Gyujun Jeong님의 댓글

Gyujun Jeong 작성일

I think if you draw the small signal model of the CE stage, V_A is the voltage right to the Base resistor, and the Vout is the voltage left to the Collector resistor. With this notation, if you apply the KCL, you can obtain the Vout over VA like above.

TA님의 댓글

TA 작성일

vout/va simply means small signal gain.
Ignore Rb, draw a small signal model and derive a gain of the degenerated CE stage without base resistance.

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