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Semiconductor System Lab

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WiFAN-II - Smart Bandage



With the aging of societies around the world, chronic diseases are becoming the major cause of death. An important perspective on the chronic diseases is that the sooner they are detected, the better quality of life the patients will have. Since the diseases have asymptomatic or intermittent properties, long-term continuous health monitoring is essential in detecting and treating the diseases. Moreover, continuous health monitoring during normal life will satisfy the National Institute of Health (NIH)’s 4Ps of future medicine: Predictive, Personalized, Preemptive, and Participatory.
  In this project, a chest-band type self-configured body sensor network controller and a bandage type high efficiency wirelessly powered sensor are proposed for a wearable, continuous health monitoring system. The sensor chip harvests its power from the surrounding health monitoring band using an Adaptive Threshold Rectifier (ATR) with 54.9% efficiency, and it consumes 12µW to implement an electrocardiogram (ECG) analog front-end and an ADC. 

Proposed Wearable BSN System
Block Diagram (Sensor)
Chip Architecture (Network Controller)
Chip Photography and Performance Summary
Measurement Result
Performance Comparison
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